Inventory check of all apartments

To improve our maintenance planning we will check up on inventory of all apartments.

Your apartment is scheduled for an inventory check. This inventory check is handled and carried out by our own staff.
The duration of the visit at your apartment is estimated to 25 minutes and takes place during the day between 07.15 - 17.00.

During the inventory check we will retrieve information of the standard of the apartment as well as additional installations and equipment.

Access your apartment

We sent out an information sheet and attached a green dot sticker. Use this sticker and put it above the handle of your front door.
By doing this you confirm that your read this information and accept that we enter your apartment with master key during this inventory check.
Notice that we always use the doorbell before we use the master key, in case you happen to be at home at the time.

How are you affected?

Our ambition is that you as a tenant will not be affected during this inventory check.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer service,
phone: 0660-29 93 50, e-mail:

